Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I'v been M I A 4 5 days my diabetis have been kicking my ass! true be told i'm more seacred of that then I am of the virus, I don't look good blind or losing a limb. Hell I just got my sexy back!


Anonymous said...

Hope all is well with you, eat right and get plenty of rest.

Don said...

Sometimes I wonder if I am diabetic myself. Good luck.

Don said...

Silent prayer gone out to you...

NaimaEfuru said...

all my best, hold your head up and stay strong

af said...

u type one or type two diabetis?

i hav a million questions feel free to answer or not:

how did u go and get testd? were u having symptoms or something?

what do u do during the day?

what is ur life expectancy?

do u raise ur sons alone?